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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on August 17, 2022

“Smores, Shores, and Oars” Campout

August 11, 2022 – August 14, 2022

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 40
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 70
Participants 11
Total Hours 811

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Social Events (gatherings, potlucks, plain ol’ fun)
Landscape/area: Willapa National Wildlife Refuge

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Hiked (15 miles)

Short Description of Activity

2022 “Smores, Oars, and Shores” Campout at Morehead Park in Nahcotta, Wa.


Well, we had yet another successful campout for 2022. After getting settled in to the cabins and our tents, we explored the beach on the opposite side of the peninsula and enjoyed the beautiful sunset with each other and attempting to keep our shoes dry (some of us). The following day we explored the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge at the tip of the peninsula. The trails were flat and alternated between forest and beach. Some of the group chose to go back and kayak in the Willapa Bay while the rest of us finished the loop at the refuge. After dinner we enjoyed a wonderful hootenanny led by Linda Buckley who prepared written lyrics to folk songs for us around the campfire on the beach. This was augmented with a great rendition of camp songs by Trish, Carolyn, and Laurie (alias “Sunny” and “Louie”). Some of us attempted to harmonize with minimal success. We also visited the Interpretive Center and watched a movie about the oyster industry in Willapa Bay. The following day we headed down to the southern tip of the peninsula at Cape Disappointment State Park where we hiked the North Head Trail and visited the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center. Laurie, Doran, and Jane secured a great spot for our 7pm concert with Ian McKuen. We brought a picnic dinner to enjoy during the concert. Wonderful concert with acoustic guitar, drums, violins, and bass players. Several of us bought their CDs. We were very grateful for our quiet campground at Morehead as we passed the campground at the State Park where dogs, kids, and bikes were everywhere! The last day we packed up our kayaks and cars and said our thank you and goodbyes. Some of us continued our journey to the Cranberry Museum, while others fought the currents at Loomis Lake for our kayak maiden voyage. Several of us mentioned that we would like to return to this area in the future. We may even do so. And we never did eat the S’mores! Maybe we’ll save them for next time!


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Photo Captions

1- “Hootenanny” (from left) Lorena Herron, Bondi Nyary, Trish Claffey, Carolyn Mastin, Doran Burrell, Jane Wilcox, Laurie, Linda
2- Jane Wilcox, Trish Claffey, Laurie
3- (From Left) Jane Wilcox, Nancy Siegel, Laurie, Trish Claffey
4- (From Left) Doran Burrell, Laurie, Bondi Nyary, Lorena Herron, Roseanne Hudson, Trish Claffey, Micky Ryan