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Activity Report Explorer

South Sound • Entered by Mary Taylor Goforth on September 9, 2022

Broadband Book Club meeting

September 7, 2022

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1
Post Admin hours 2
Activity Hours 3
Participants 6
Total Hours 21

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Social Events (gatherings, potlucks, plain ol’ fun)
Key Partners: none

Short Description of Activity

Six broads met to discuss Ben Goldfarb’s book, EAGER, at McLane Creek, a state wildlife area near Olympia WA. Toward the end of our excellent and fun discussion, Janet Strong offered the February or April Grays Harbor Audubon program to us for spreading the word about ‘Why Beavers are Important.” We brainstormed a few details like where the gathering would take place: the Hoquium library, In person and ZOOM, a hybrid format, The purpose would be to educate and inspire others in our area to support beaver-work. Exactly what type of beaver work and how to act is yet to be determined.
This event would take some preliminary work–like contacting the Seattle group, Beavers Northwest.
Connie Christy and Mary Taylor Goforth will be getting in touch with Beavers Northwest to discuss possibilities, then inform the rest of the group so we can decide whether we have ample resources to continue in the planning and execution of this event .

Meanwhile, we agreed to continue to think about what our presentation could include… The video “Beaver Believers?” or one of Ben Goldfarb? Maps and info of the local beaver dams, a possible field trip before or after the presentation? A presentation by Beavers Northwest? Maybe Capitol or Nisqually Land Trust has a beaver expert or restoration biologist who could speak on the restorative aspects of beavers, the part they play in our local ecosystem, their impact on climate change/drought conditions, how people/children could become involved or at least better informed about beavers.


Meanwhile, we agreed to continue to think about what our presentation could include… The video “Beaver Believers?” or one of Ben Goldfarb? Maps and info of the local beaver dams, a possible field trip before or after the presentation? A presentation by Beavers Northwest? Maybe Capitol or Nisqually Land Trust has a beaver expert or restoration biologist who could speak on the restorative aspects of beavers, the part they play in our local ecosystem, their impact on climate change/drought conditions, how people/children could become involved or at least better informed about beavers.

We left with wild (and eager) enthusiasm for having found a topic we felt important as well as enjoyable to ourselves and others. Yay!!


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Photo Captions

Sound Broads meet outside for discussion of EAGER by Ben Goldfarb and to look for beaver at the McClane Creek Nature Trail.