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Activity Report Explorer

Willamette Valley • Entered by Cyndi Anderson on October 5, 2022

Meeting with County Commissioner

September 30, 2022

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 4
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 1
Participants 3
Total Hours 8

Key Issue: Wilderness & Monument Designation/Protection
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Landscape/area: Willamette National Forest (1681674 acres)

Short Description of Activity

Three Willamette Valley leadership team members met with Will Tucker, one of three Linn County Commissioners. Linn County is a conservative county represented by three conservative commissioners. The meeting was prompted by publicity of the commissioners’ response to the proposed Douglas-fir National Monument, which was full of faulty information but one fact. The fact was that the “two sides” had never met and that the proposal was being pushed by people outside of Linn County, which is mostly true.


The goal was to educate the commissioner about the Broads and our mission and make him aware that there are many of us residing in Linn County, as well as many other conservation voters, and that he and the other commisioners are not representing our interests. Mainly the goal was to start an important conversation and raise awareness and both those goals were achieved. Our follow up is to continue to invite Will to our public events, including a screening of ‘Elemental’ to try and help him understand a totally different viewpoint from his own.