Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on November 29, 2022
Membership Meetings
November 15, 2022
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | 19 |
Post Admin hours | 1 |
Activity Hours | 2.5 |
Participants | 18 |
Total Hours | 65 |
Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)
Landscape/area: Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge
Measurable Outcomes
Outcome 1: Event Attendees (18 people)
Outcome 2: Advocacy actions (2 letters/postcards)
Short Description of Activity
We hosted our November meeting at Kennedy School in Portland.
We had an excellent Speaker, Kathy Rohrer, who discussed her personal story and showed her slide show photos of Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge which included music. It was a lovely presentation and very heartfelt and beautiful photos of wildlife, climate change, and landscapes.
We had lots of discussion about the Campaign Rally for Climate Forests in Portland. Darlene shared her sign on letter for grants for Dams for Beavers Act. She also shared her letter regarding the Elliott State Forest Draft Forest Management Plan. Micky noted that the Pumice Plain Litigation was over but still the fight is on to save the Pumice Plain by advocating for ninth circuit appeals court to rehear the case. Laurie also passed out postcards to send to Senator Ron Wyden to advocate for a permanent mineral withdrawal on Mt. St Helens. Laurie mentioned the upcoming webinar with George Wuerthner with the Bitterbrush Broads on November 14. Micky reported on the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference on March 2 – 5 in Eugene, Or. Laurie also promoted the WALTZ Broads Leadership Training in Santa Fe, NM March 27 -31 in hopes that someone will take on her role after she steps down at the end of 2023.
Barb noted that there was to be a tree planting event on Dec 3 at Steigerwald NWR with Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership. Laurie also mentioned a tree planting for Broads only at Pierce NWR . The date is TBD . Barb noted that she had walkie talkies to donate for hikes. Micky and Laurie discussed the upcoming Broadwalk at Dry Falls, Wa April 13 – 17. Spaces are limited. Laurie is also hosting the holiday party at her house on December 20 with a book exchange and potluck. Felice will do the flyer for the event. We also sent around a sign up for campout committee next year. Thank you to Rosanne, Ellen, Nancy, Doran, Carolyn, and Bondi for signing up for this committee.
Meeting went well and we were done by 8pm. Thank you to Ellen for early arrival and helping with set up and clean up. The meeting agenda is attached below.
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Photo Captions
1-Meeting AGenda