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Activity Report Explorer

Yavapai-Prescott • Entered by Jenny Cobb on February 22, 2023

Save Oak Flat

February 17, 2023 – February 18, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 21
Participants 2
Total Hours 42

Key Issue: Oil, Gas, or Mineral Development
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Landscape/area: Tonto National Forest (2866663 acres)

Short Description of Activity

9th Annual Save Oak Flat gathering. Barbara arrived on Friday; Jenny and Roz on Saturday. Other Broads there were from Sonoran Broadband and Roz will file (Emily, Dolores, Amy) and the 2 MN gals Jan and Mo. There were many others there we know including Greta Anderson from Western Watersheds. We also met a new gal from MN who is traveling alone in her RV. Gave her our cards to join Broads. Her name is RMay.


Weather beautiful this year instead of cold, icy, and raining. We followed relay runners in, displayed the new Broads Banner on Roz’s truck, participated in the corn pollen blessings, danced to 4 songs, watched the entertainment, and Roz drove up the hill on the nasty road and others of us hiked to Gaan Canyon. Jenny and RMay hiked way down on precarious trail to not too far above the canyon floor. The campground and canyon will be destroyed if the miners cannot be stopped. There is another hearing in the 9th district court coming up and they do not recognize “sacred land.” please see my FB page for more Pictures. There is a group photo with the banner you should have. Time below includes me and Barbara (24 hours plus 6 driving) and Jenny 6 hours and 6 driving.