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Activity Report Explorer

Central Oregon Bitterbrush Broads • Entered by Mary Fleischmann on March 23, 2023

Wild Horses, Wolves and other Wildlife of Warm Springs

March 22, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 0.5
Post Admin hours 0.5
Activity Hours 1.25
Participants 4
Total Hours 6

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Education & Outreach (tabling, films & lectures, regional B-walks/works)

Short Description of Activity

Presentation by Austin Smith Jr. who is the Natural Resource Manager for the Warm Springs Reservation.


Great overview regarding the history of the reservation and management of wildlife on the reservation. I was dismayed to hear about rounding up wild horses that were then sold to to make dog food. There were simply too many horses on the reservation. On the up side was the pictures of wolf populations that have been passing through the reservation which was exciting to hear that they actually have been there. And of course the importance of fish in the river and it’s role for the people of Warm Springs. Nice presentation,