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Activity Report Explorer

Rogue Valley • Entered by Linda Pace on April 21, 2023

Public Timber Sale Portest

February 27, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 3
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 4
Participants 5
Total Hours 23

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Williams Community Forest Project
Landscape/area: BLM OR – Medford Grants Pass Field Office

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Event Attendees (5 Rogue Broads)

Short Description of Activity

Getting the word out for the mature and old growth forests by spending 2 hours along Biddle Road outside the BLM office that’s planning the two timber sales in critical habitat


It was so worth doing! We got 42 multi-age protestors and some fabulous signs. Great local TV coverage.


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Photo Captions

Rogue Broads and Bro at Medford Protest with our smiles and signs:
Ray Pague, Linda Pace, Bucky Dennerlein, Julie Klokow. Cheryl Bruner not pictured but present.