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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on April 25, 2023

Dry Falls Broadwalk

April 15, 2023 – April 24, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1
Post Admin hours 0.5
Activity Hours 1.75
Participants 7
Total Hours 13.75

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Coulee Corridor Consortium

Short Description of Activity

Highway LItter Patrol


7 Broads from the Cascade Volcanoes Chapter picked up litter along a 2 mile stretch of Highway 17 near Dry Falls State Park in Washington with the Adopt a Highway program during the April 13 – 17 Broadwalk. Much glass and tire debris were placed in a dozen or so garbage bags and David McWalter with the Dry Falls State Park picked up the bags and monitored our work. We watched a 15 – minute video as required by the Park Service which was totally lame but required. We kept our rude comments about the antiquated film and poor acting to ourselves (mostly), although we were given chocolate after the film.
The litter pickup along the highway was requested by the park and we wore distinguished orange and yellow safety vests and hard hats (although we had no falling rocks that I noted) to commemorate our 2-mile clean up accomplishment,

I would not have chosen to pick up litter along the highway and I think it is better to teach people not to throw their beer bottles out the window when they are driving (but I suppose their parents might find out if they left them in the car), so that we can use our time to help steward more wild places instead. David gave each of us a Dry Falls State Park pin which I totally lost track of very soon after the event.

In order to do the activity, I also filled out a Group Volunteer Application and mailed it in prior to the event.