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Activity Report Explorer

Four Corners • Entered by Jennifer Singer on May 6, 2023


April 1, 2023 – April 30, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 0
Post Admin hours 0
Activity Hours 14
Participants 2
Total Hours 28

Key Issue: Public Lands Health & Protection
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Teri Paul Carpenter Natural Area Trail Work organizer, Chris Bouton USFS, Ray O’Neil Canyon of the Ancients National Monument Manager

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Trail cleared/built (4 sites/plots)

Short Description of Activity

1) 4-4-23 5:00-6:30 PM Annual Preseason Trails Volunteer and Partner meeting- USFS we’re going to adopt the Fish Creek Trail.
2) 4-6-23 9:00-4:00 PM CANM Site Stewards meeting. We’ll monitor and help protect areas in CANM with Back Country Horsemen.
3) 4-18-23 3-4PM Strategic Planning meeting and 4-20-23 Zoom with Sally.
4) 4- 22- 23 Earth Day Carpenter Natural Area Trail Building. 2 members and 2 contacts teamed up to help with a community cleanup. We helped build 2 new trails and cleaned up 2 areas.


I reconnected with Teri Paul from last year. She’s a former Broadband member from Bluff and plans to rejoin our Broadband. She works at some type of management position with Mesa Verde museums. So I think she’ll be a great addition to our Broadband. We helped her group build two trails and cleanup at Carpenter Natural Area.


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Photo Captions

Earth Day Trail Building and Clean-up. Betty Ann, Lisa, and Jennifer.