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Activity Report Explorer

Northern Front Range • Entered by Jan Moraczewski on May 20, 2023

Meetings with parnters

May 16, 2023 – May 19, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1
Post Admin hours 0.5
Activity Hours 2
Participants 2
Total Hours 5.5

Key Issue: Public Lands Health & Protection
Activity Type: Other Administration (reporting, emails, calls, planning)
Key Partners: Lory State Park Administrators/Friends of Lory Board Member

Short Description of Activity

These are two separate 1 hour activities. The Board Member from Friends of Lory suggested Broads might be involved in Mt. Lion camera surveys and data. The Park administrators offered invasive weed removal, public outreach, hiking with a theme, educational events.


Our Leadership group will evaluate. Our members are less interested in public education and more interested in Citizen Science. There also may be adopt a trail opportunities, tabling at trailheads, etc.