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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on May 31, 2023

Protect Molok Luyuk

May 13, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 18
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 7.5
Participants 3
Total Hours 40.5

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Education & Outreach (tabling, films & lectures, regional B-walks/works)
Key Partners: Oregon Wild/Center for Biological Diversity/ Native Fish Society/US Forest Service/Western Watersheds Project/Oregon Natural Desert Assoc/Humane Society/Wolf Welcome Committee/Rewilding Institute/Nez Perce Tribe/Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project/Oregon State University/Eastern Oregon Legacy Lands.

Short Description of Activity

3 Broads from Cascade Volcanoes attended 2023 Re-Wilding Oregon Event at Camp Sherman, Oregon on May 13, 2023.


The event was fabulous! There was a limited number of eventees and numerous people did not make it off the wait list. The goal of the conference was to educate about carnivores, native fish, desert ecosystems, forest ecosystems and network with like-minded members about advocacy for these issues. I was very humbled at being able to attend. I really enjoyed hearing Andy Kerr speak about 30 X 30 in Oregon. My background in desert ecosystems and Greater Hart Sheldon Connectivity issues that I learned from attending Dry Falls Broadwalk gave me a great foundation for the information that was presented at this conference. I have attached the agenda below. It was the first Oregon Re-wilding event and they are planning on offering another conference next year.

I also really enjoyed my time with Mathieu, Chandra, Mary, and Rynda in seeing them there!


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Photo Captions

2- Rewilding Oregon Agenda page 1
3- Rewilding Oregon Agenda page 2