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Activity Report Explorer

Aldos Silver City • Entered by Marcia Stout on June 8, 2023

Riparian – Grazing Monitoring

May 1, 2023 – May 31, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 8
Post Admin hours 1.5
Activity Hours 11.25
Participants 5
Total Hours 65.75

Key Issue: Livestock Grazing Management
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Gila National Forest
Landscape/area: Gila National Forest (2658321 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Trail/land monitored (2 surveys)
Outcome 2: Hiked (14 miles)

Short Description of Activity

On May 23, four members monitored along the Gila River in the Bird Area, also checking the gate at Ira Canyon. Although all of the gates were closed and the gate on the upstream end has been fixed, we saw and reported at least a dozen cows/calves, lots of trampling and cattle sign. On May 31 two members monitored the San Francisco River from Head of the Ditch campground almost to the Hwy 180 bridge, then camped overnight for more monitoring on June 1. We did not see any fresh cattle sign along the river. On May 24th, four members met with the Forest Service staff to meet a new staff member who we will also be in contact with, and to get additional Avenza maps on new devices.


The rains have greatly diminished, and riparian areas are becoming easier to navigate. We expressed concern that the Birding Conservation Area has never been effectively secured from cows since we started monitoring several years ago. We also asked if there could be a different approach to the management in that area since what is currently being done is obviously not working. The San Francisco River area where we monitored looked healthy and lush with spring vegetation, including fringe wetland vegetation. This was in marked contrast with June 2022 when the river was dry along much of this stretch, with recent cattle sign and impact observed in some areas.


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Photo Captions

1. Monitoring along the San Francisco River from Head of the Ditch campground upstream, not far from the NM / AZ border, on May 31.
2. Observing fencing repair after our previous report of fencing damage, in one section of the Gila Birding conservation area.