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Activity Report Explorer

Northern San Juan • Entered by Linda McNeill on June 21, 2023

10th Anniversary Celebration

June 11, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 24
Post Admin hours 3
Activity Hours 3
Participants 44
Total Hours 159

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Social Events (gatherings, potlucks, plain ol’ fun)

Short Description of Activity

A celebration at the Soccer Fields pavilion in Ridgway to commemorate the Northern San Juan Broadband’s 10th Anniversary and to honor Robyn Cascade a long-term leader.


Beverages, snacks and cake were served. Robyn sang a heart-felt song. The Leadership Team members introduced themselves and described their roles. Robyn was thanked by Sally and Sara for her service to Great Old Broads. A Circle of Honor was led by Ulli Sir Jesse.


Photo Captions

1) Robyn Cascade – Northern San Juan Broadband
2) Robyn Cascade and Katie Kemper
3) Honor Circle
4) Sally Sharp, Robyn Cascade and Sara Husby