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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Linda Buckley on June 25, 2023

attended education/advocacy event on salmon-tipping point

June 24, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 6
Post Admin hours 0.5
Activity Hours 5
Participants 6
Total Hours 36.5

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Trainings (WALTS, CAREs/GLOWs, research, conferences, workshops, etc.)
Key Partners: Nimmipuu for the environment Portland Oregon

Short Description of Activity

Bondi Nyari, Felice Kelly, myself Linda Buckley, Jane Heisler, June Yamrick and Nancy siegel (6) from our broadband attended this excellent educational and advocacy event in Portland, sponsored by NImipoo for the environment with help from Deb Ellers from Puget sound broadband. Deb and Felice were presenters, Felice spoke on counter arguments to those who oppose breaching 4 snake river dams and gave a very scientific talk connecting healthy forests to salmon health, climate change and economic impact. Also speaking were: Dan Seares columbia Riverkeepers (on hanford, history and current impact on environment and native people, Bill MOyer, backbone project on electric railroad system as alternative to barge transport along lower columbia, the President of nez pearce/nimipoo nation, and last speaker I had to miss in last hour.


Tipping point goal was around both education and advocacy-save the salmon in lower snake river, breach the 4 LSRD.. There were sample letters, postcards, and talking points for making comments pro breaching dams, and against methane gas on GTN Xpress pipeline, through PNW and nez perce reservation-due to numerous risks to environment, wildlife and humans. they had postcards and pens available to write to FERC. I took them home with me to study and take action as did a couple other CVBB members present.


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One consists of presentation by speaker, with power point and participants from multiple partner organizations.