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Activity Report Explorer

Northern Front Range • Entered by Jan Moraczewski on August 11, 2023

Meeting with Forest Service Biologist

August 10, 2023 – August 10, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 1.5
Participants 2
Total Hours 5

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Arapahoe Roosevelt National Forest

Short Description of Activity

Dale, Forest Service Biologist showed Anne & I how to use google maps to locate beaver dams. He also discussed old activity vs. recent citing and identified locations where we might do monitoring. We discussed monitoring tools (IBeaver, paper and pen forms, etc) and what information/monitoring would be most helpful to the forest. We may have opportunities for documenting rare frog species as well.


Dale was interested in working with us and gave us information how a project could fit into bigger picture plans for the Forest service and how it might tie in with other volunteer activities like campsite monitoring. He was respectful of our ideas and willing shared informaton.