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Activity Report Explorer

Polly Dyer – Seattle • Entered by Penelope Peterson on August 31, 2023

Lower Snake River Dam Meetings

June 7, 2023 – August 21, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 2
Participants 3
Total Hours 6

Key Issue: Water-related Conservation
Activity Type: Other Administration (reporting, emails, calls, planning)
Key Partners: Seattle Broads and Pacific Northwest Broadband Leaders

Short Description of Activity

I met with my Lower Snake River Dam subcommittee for our Broadband on June 7th via Zoom. The Lower Snake River Dam BRAT met on August 21st to discuss whether or not to spend some of our money and how to spend it


The Lower Snake River Dam BRAT did make decisions on spending some of our money so that was a successful meeting. Our subcommittee for the Lower Snake River Dam continues to monitor the situation so that we can report back to our Broadband.