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Activity Report Explorer

NW Colorado • Entered by Diane Miller on September 2, 2023

Letter to Routt County Planning Commission

July 9, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 4
Participants 3
Total Hours 12

Key Issue: Oil, Gas, or Mineral Development
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Western Colorado Alliance, Sierra Club Trappers Lake Group

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Advocacy actions (1 letters/postcards)

Short Description of Activity

Our group of 3 submitted a letter to the Routt County planning department outlining our requests for reforms to oil and gas regulations. We met with Matt Sura to discuss these suggested regulations before submitting.


Unknown. Goal is to get planners to adopt stricture oil and gas regulations. We are expecting draft regulations in September.
We ended up submitting from/through Western Colorado Alliance thinking the organizational name would carry some weight. Without our consent/knowledge a WCA representative from another county signed the letter which we already know was not well-received We’ve made 2 follow up phone calls and when the draft regs are released we will follow up with community support to either further tighten regs or endorse them as they are written. I can send a copy of the letter as written if national office would like it.