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Activity Report Explorer

Polly Dyer – Seattle • Entered by Genia Moncada on September 3, 2023

Wishbone Timber Sale in Marckworth State Forest

July 19, 2023 – July 25, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 0.5
Post Admin hours 0.25
Activity Hours 0.5
Participants 6
Total Hours 3.75

Key Issue: Public Lands Health & Protection
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Advocacy actions (6 comments)

Short Description of Activity

Comments were sent to the King County Council to stop the Wishbone Timber Sale scheduled for July 25th.


The Wishbone Timber Sale in the Marckworth State Forest is an area that has not been logged since the 1940’s and is a naturally recovered site and King County as a beneficiary is able to stop the sale. Members sent a request to their Councilmember to stop the sale and save this natural area from logging by the WA state DNR.

We responded to a last minute action alert. Our comments and many others in the county were heard-King County Council sent a letter to WA DNR board and the sale was paused!