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Activity Report Explorer

Northern San Juan • Entered by Robyn Cascade on September 6, 2023

Bighorn sheep monitoring – jeep only

July 28, 2023 – August 16, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 6
Post Admin hours 6
Activity Hours 9
Participants 6
Total Hours 66

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: BHA, RMBS, MSI, CPW, Circle of Dreams, San Juan Scenic Jeep Tours
Landscape/area: Uncompahgre National Forest (951767 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: domestic sheep grazing monitoring (3 allotments)

Short Description of Activity

Three jeep transports to Engineer Pass during July and August thanks to San Juan Scenic Jeep Tours. Thanks to Circle of Dreams funding, Broads less able to hike long distances can accompany the backpackers (who are dropped off at Engineer Pass) and still participate in the bighorn sheep monitoring project and view the domestic sheep on their allotments.


We are so fortunate to have Gregg Pieper, owner of San Juan Scenic Jeep Tours, to transport Broads citizen scientists to 12,800 feet and save us the need to backpack up 3500 feet!! Now we spend more time observing and less time getting there!! In addition, our members have the opportunity to see the bighorn habitat and the domestic sheep allotment. If time allows, we use scopes and binoculars to ensure no bighorn and domestic sheep are commingling.


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Photo Captions

1. Jeeping NSJ Broads with our guide Gregg Pieper, owner of San Juan Scenic Jeep Tours
2. NSJ Broads at backpacker drop off for bighorn monitoring – Engineer Pass 12,800 feet