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Activity Report Explorer

Willamette Valley • Entered by Cyndi Anderson on October 25, 2023

Leadership Team Retreat

October 19, 2023 – October 21, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 8
Post Admin hours 8
Activity Hours 15
Participants 6
Total Hours 106

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)
Landscape/area: Siuslaw National Forest (630291 acres)

Short Description of Activity

This was our annual planning retreat that we do over 3 days and 2 nights at my cabin on the Alsea River in the Siuslaw NF. Chandra and I developed the agenda with issues and topics to discuss with time to plan activities and focus areas for the coming year.


We got a lot done. We had 6 of our 11 members of our leadership team in attendance. We set our monthly meeting schedule in stone, decided to reinstate in-person advocacy nights and set a time to visit potential new venues for that and came up with a committee to set up quarterly BroadChats and BroadTalks. In addition to time spent in meetings, we spent an afternoon exploring a state park near the Oregon Coast and saw many varieties of mushrooms, eagles, hawks, newts, a praying mantis and a spotted owl!


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Photo Captions

1) Members of the Willamette Valley Broadband Leadership Team gather for a 3 day, 2 night planning retreat. Pictured form left to right: Chandra LeGue, Cyndi Anderson, Lynn Humphrey, Maya Abels, Laura Ouellette, Marjorie Stuart
2) Laura Ouellette, Lynn Humphrey & Maya Abels with a Sitka Spruce in the Brian Booth State Park on the Oregon Coast
3) Laura Ouellette, Cyndi Anderson, Lynn Humphrey & Chandra LeGue enjoying their morning soak and coffee at Cyndi’s cabin on the Alsea River
4) A typical example of the biodiversity and lush growth in the temperate rainforests along the Oregon Coast