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Activity Report Explorer

Aldos Silver City • Entered by Marcia Stout on November 8, 2023

Riparian – Grazing Monitoring

October 1, 2023 – October 31, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 20
Post Admin hours 2
Activity Hours 24.25
Participants 4
Total Hours 119

Key Issue: Livestock Grazing Management
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Gila National Forest
Landscape/area: Gila National Forest (2658321 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Trail/land monitored (4 surveys)
Outcome 2: Hiked (23 miles)

Short Description of Activity

The Aldo’s Broadband Riparian Monitoring Team had a busy October. On October 12, four GOBs monitored the San Francisco River on the Hot Springs Trail. We were pleased to find no recent cow sign or ATV tracks. On October 26, one team member toured the Gila NF Reserve District allotments with range staff member Leroy Squire. All of these allotments were then re-toured on October 31, as mentioned below. Also on October 26, one team member (and a non-GOB member) monitored the San Francisco River downstream from Alma Bridge, walking a total of 6.5 miles. No fresh sign was observed, although there was abundant wildlife, including a peregrine falcon, and plenty of bear sign. On October 30 and 31, Four GOBs took an overnight field trip to the Reserve District of the Gila NF. On October 30, team members walked the South Negrito upstream on the Corner Mountain allotment, going 5.2 miles. This was a relatively “pristine” and rocky canyon filled with spruce/fir and a great deal of bear sign but no cow sign. On the drive back, one cow was observed and reported in South Negrito Creek. It may very well be the same cow seen near there by Nancy Coates and Leroy on October 26. On October 31, Leroy Squire took us to four exclosures along the Tularosa River, in the Deep Canyon, Alexander, and Govina allotments. This included an exclosure just off the Apache Creek campground, with a great deal of elk sign. We also toured an exclosure on the Frisco Plaza allotment which was just after the confluence of Negrito Creek and the Tularosa River, and we viewed (from a locked gate) the exclosure on the North Fork of the Negrito River, which would have required going through private property, as well Negrito Canyon itself. These were on the Negrito/Yeguas allotment. We then walked 3.2 miles on the Lower Frisco allotment off on B043, crossing the river several times. There was abundant cow sign. The gate to the private property was open, so cattle could be/have been trespassing there.
On October 17, three team members received training on the Garmin Inreaches at the Gila National Forest S.O. On October 25, one member had maps added to her Avenza maps app on her phone at the S.O.


October weather was perfect for monitoring, and we did a lot of it. We are pleased with our now strong connection with FS personnel in the Reserve District, and plan to use the time spent with us to monitoring there. The four small exclosures can also be monitored when river crossing is problematic. Range staff member also pointed out several invasive plant species to report when observed in the exclosures. (We will discuss this further with GNF staff to see if we should remove those that are easy to remove.) The decrease in ATV tracks just downstream from the San Francisco Hot Springs is likely due to recent signage/ barriers placed at key points.


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Photo Captions

1. GNF Reserve District range staff member shows us a small exclosure along the Tularosa River on Oct. 31.
2. GNF Reserve District range staff member provides info on a small exclosure on the edge of Apache Creek campground. He also showed us several Invasive plant species that could be reported when observed during our surveys.
3. monitoring along South Negrito creek upstream from the campground, Reserve District, Oct. 30.
4. Hiking toward autumn foliage as we start monitoring up South Negrito Creek in the Reserve District of GNF, Oct. 30.