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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on November 20, 2023

Solitude Monitoring

October 7, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 12
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 5
Participants 3
Total Hours 27

Key Issue: Public Lands Health & Protection
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Mt Adams Ranger District FS/National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance
Landscape/area: Indian Heaven Wilderness (20784 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Trail/land monitored (195 people)

Short Description of Activity

Bondi Nyary, Rosanne Hudson, and Laurie monitored Blue Lake trail for solitude.


We saw so many people! 195 people in 5 hours is the most we have ever seen. People were backpacking in and couldn’t find a campsite with children! Too bad they didn’t stop at the horse camp and car camped with the kids! It was a wonderful hike in beautiful weather with my Broads Buds!