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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on November 20, 2023

Solitude Monitoring

October 1, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 8
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 5
Participants 2
Total Hours 18

Key Issue: Public Lands Health & Protection
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Mt Adams Ranger District FS/National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance
Landscape/area: Indian Heaven Wilderness (20784 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Trail/land monitored (29 people)

Short Description of Activity

Rosanne Hudson and I monitored Racetrack trail for solitude.


We had a wonderful conversation with an Indigenous man who was doing some work. He was all dressed up in his regalia and talked with us for some time. He was a member of the Columbia Tribe and had done some fishing on the Columbia river. He was glad we were advocating for the LSRD as well as the Goldendale Pump Storage Facility. I tried to ask him to come and speak at our Rendezvous in Goldendale since he lived there but I don’t think he is going to do so. He talked about his ancestors and how they would meet for socializing at the racetrack and race their horses. Many young Indigenous people have also used it to meet their potential mates! What a wonderful time we had. We also saw him as we climbed down from Red Mountain on our way back. This trip was one of my most memorable of the entire season because of this engagement with the Tribal member.

We dined at Big River Grill in Stevenson on our way home. And we also took Sadie, Rosanne’s dog with us! She was very well behaved and very excited to join us on our hike!


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Photo Captions

1-Rosanne Hudson
1- Laurie and Rosanne