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Activity Report Explorer

NW Colorado • Entered by Diane Miller on December 16, 2023

Routt County Planning

September 13, 2023 – December 13, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 1
Participants 2
Total Hours 4

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Other Administration (reporting, emails, calls, planning)
Key Partners: Sierra Club (Diane Brower)

Short Description of Activity

Diane Brower and I attended a public event hosted by Routt County Planning. The county is updating land use regulations and this meeting, organized by an outside facilitator looked at building and zoning codes. We got a better feel for the process and were told that a draft of oil and gas regulations would be presented in a similar module in November or December. We also gave feedback on water use and wildlife corridors.


The goal was to understand the county’s process for overhauling regulations and to keep in touch with planning dept since we had met with them earlier in the year and followed up with a letter regarding oil and gas regulations.