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Activity Report Explorer

Northern San Juan • Entered by Robyn Cascade on December 20, 2023

Ute Mountain Ute/White Mesa

September 6, 2023 – December 20, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 6
Post Admin hours 3
Activity Hours 12
Participants 1
Total Hours 21

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Relationship Building with non-white and/or frontline communities (relational meetings, attending events, community support, etc.)
Key Partners: Ute Mountain Ute Tribe

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Advocacy actions (1 letters/postcards)

Short Description of Activity

Ongoing communication and relationship building with Ute Mountain Ute Chairman Heart, tribal council members and staff. Specific focus recently regarding White Mesa Mill and impact on White Mesa tribal community. Met in person with Chairman Heart, Councilman Wall and biologist Ben Robinson & assistant Farley Ketchum. Planning meeting with national staff and BB leaders re: White Mesa. Robyn also virtually attended a couple hours of the Ute Mountain Ute Scoping Council Meeting on Dec 4. Also some follow up re: name change of offensive place in Ouray County.


Relationship building is progressing with increased communication and trust. Broads letter advocating for protection of White Mesa community and clean up of White Mesa Mill was well received by Chairman Heart and subsequently submitted to the National Regulatory Commission during a panel/testimony on December 12. Letter attached.


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1. Letter of support of White Mesa/Ute Mountain Ute concerns/priorities from Broads.