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Activity Report Explorer

Central Oregon Bitterbrush Broads • Entered by Mary Fleischmann on December 22, 2023

Broadchat – Think Wild

November 14, 2023

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1.75
Post Admin hours 0.75
Activity Hours 2.25
Participants 21
Total Hours 49.75

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Education & Outreach (tabling, films & lectures, regional B-walks/works)
Key Partners: Oregon Wild, Juniper Sierra Club, ONDA, Environmental Center

Short Description of Activity

Broadchat with Think Wild of Central Oregon. Think Wild is a local rehabilitation center for wildlife. They take in injured or abandoned wildlife and once they are healthy release them back into the wild. The program is primarily voluntarily staffed.


Great turn out and people had a lot of great questions. Looking to do a field trip in the spring so folks can see the facility and see first hand the work they do.