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Activity Report Explorer

Aldos Silver City • Entered by Marcia Stout on February 2, 2024

Monitor Flood/ Wildlife Gates at Border

January 3, 2024 – January 31, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 6
Post Admin hours 10
Activity Hours 8.75
Participants 6
Total Hours 68.5

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Wildlands Network

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Trail/land monitored (1 sites/plots)

Short Description of Activity

Six members of Aldo’s Broadband embarked on a trip to the border wall in southwestern NM to find out if two flood gates/ wildlife gates were open, relative to the 2023 settlement between the states and DHS. (These two specific locations are based on the spots were several Mexican wolves previously crossed the border or tried to cross the border after wall construction.) Our broadband borderlands committee has been seeking an appropriate way to help with wildlife connectivity or other environmental impacts associated with border wall infrastructure particularly in NM and had been in touch with Wildlands Network staff (Myles Traphagen). This specific monitoring opportunity was suggested and accomplished in conjunction with Myles who guided and accompanied our group on this trip, while also scouting for suitable places for wildlife cameras for these gates. This field trip involved a fair level of planning and coordination in addition to an all day field trip. Several individuals recorded coordinates, etc. to document the route. A report from one of our members documents our observations, including images of erosion and potential lighting or fiber optics installation, directional maps, etc. The flood gates/ wildlife gates were closed, and Myles Traphagen is following up on that via settlement protocol. As a serendipitous bonus to this fascinating trip, while meeting Myles in the parking lot, we bumped into NM Wild staff who were accompanying our U.S. Representative Gabe Vasquez and another Congressman to public lands nearby. So we all had an interesting, albeit short, conversation with him including a border wall topic etc.


It was a very informative and eye- opening trip regarding border wall impacts, particularly based on Myle’s knowledge of the area and issue. We appreciate Sally Sharp’s facilitation of our efforts, which was also instrumental in helping us get out there. We aim to continue monitoring the status of these two gates several times per year. We also hope to accompany Myles T. when he sets up wildlife cameras near the gates and can help download or maintain the two cameras. There is quite a lot of interest from some of our members to participate in this effort, which is good and we will work on channeling that in an effective manner. Co-leaders could use proactive help from participants on aspects of this, in coordinating this effort moving forward. We will work on that.


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Photo Captions

1. Myles Traphagen (Wildlands Network) providing pertinent background information on flood/ wildlife gate for Aldo’s GOB borderlands committee members. (Note it is currently closed.)
2. Myles provides important information for our team, in the area of the flood/ wildlife gate while looking for a niche for a wildlife camera. We aim to accompany him when the wildlife cameras are appropriately installed.
3. Our team taking notes and GPS coordinates by the flood/ wildlife gates.
4. Observing along the way, with the wall infrastructure extending into the distance.