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Activity Report Explorer

Northern San Juan • Entered by Sallie Thoreson on May 3, 2024

GMUG Forest Plan Objection process

January 16, 2024 – April 13, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 45
Post Admin hours 5
Activity Hours 6
Participants 3
Total Hours 68

Key Issue: Landscape Planning (Forest Plans, RMPs, TMPs, etc.)
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: numerous conservation partners in the GMUG Forest Plan review process
Landscape/area: Grand Mesa National Forest (345939 acres)

Short Description of Activity

We received notice from USFS about the February GMUG Forest Plan Objection hearings. NSJBB was a part of a broad Coalition submission of objections and NSJBB specifically wrote 3 Plan objection letters on 5 topics- grazing reform, protections from drones, Bighorn sheep should be Species of Conservation Concern, and more protections for Bear Creek and Hayden Mountain. Peggy Lyon (Leadership Team member) was also key on a group effort regarding protection of key plant species. With the help of the Coalition team, Sallie, Robyn and Peggy prepared and presented their objections to the hearing officers.


The Goal was to make a last effort to highlight some areas that were not addressed to our satisfaction in the GMUG Final Forest Plan. It was nerve-racking to present at the Hearings, as this was a new experience for all three NSJBB members We did hear back on the Species of Conservation Concern hearing (Bighorn sheep and plants). The Hearing Officer instructed the FS to reevaluate the criteria used for determination and for FS to explain their decision better, especially as it relates to differing opinion on SCC from adjoining Rio Grande NF. This is good news, and we hope will lead to the changes we proposed! Yoohoo!! We are awaiting results from the Hearing Officer on the other topics.