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Activity Report Explorer

Northern San Juan • Entered by Judith Lopez on May 6, 2024

Leadership meeting

March 29, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 2.5
Post Admin hours 3
Activity Hours 2
Participants 5
Total Hours 15.5

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)

Short Description of Activity

Bi-monthly meeting of Leadership Team to discuss issues and plans for the broadband for the next year. We discussed our relationships with other organizations and ways to interact supportively with them to reach our goals. We discussed current programs of our broadband, ie. Solitude Monitoring, Grazing, River Watch, and various advocacy projects, and how to proceed with them. We discussed the importance of one-on-one conversations with members and attendees at our meetings. We want to expand membership and bring in more ideas and energy from our community. We discussed specific goals for this year but need to work further on this We are still a leadership team in transition, learning where each of us can contribute to utilize our individual skills and passions. Our leadership team members are all involved in many groups and activities. We hope that our Team member who have not yet participated in WALTs will be able to do so .


Our goal is to plan means and methods for our broadband to engage and inspire activism to preserve and protect wilderness and wild lands.We want to plan meetings that will help to educate our community about the critical connection between healthy public lands and climate change mitigation. We are trying to make more concrete our plans to ensure meeting these goals as a leadership team while maintaining our own life balance. This is an ongoing process. As a leadership team for Broads, we are at the beginning of this process although all of us have years of related experience and interest.