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Activity Report Explorer

Greater Wasatch • Entered by Barbara McConvill on May 5, 2024

Leadership Meeting

April 3, 2024 – April 3, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1
Post Admin hours 3
Activity Hours 2
Participants 3
Total Hours 10

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)
Key Partners: Greater Wasatch Broadband

Short Description of Activity

Co-leaders gathered to discuss future planning including proposed Weber County Inland port, National Trails Day, Outdoor Retailer exhibit, and leadership team meeting.


There is much to do, and our plates are very full with a desire to balance out the needs of the Broadband with the needs of our daily lives. It can be overwhelming, but we are finding our way with the help of a stellar leadership team.