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Activity Report Explorer

Greater Wasatch • Entered by Barbara McConvill on May 7, 2024


January 1, 2024 – April 30, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 8
Post Admin hours 4
Activity Hours 20
Participants 1
Total Hours 32

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Other Administration (reporting, emails, calls, planning)
Key Partners: Greater Wasatch Broadband

Short Description of Activity

The Broadband sends member emails twice each month. The newsletter includes action alerts, info about upcoming activities and events. It remains a useful outreach tool.


Although our open rate for the newsletter is good, it’s difficult to judge the effectiveness of the outreach. I continue to play with the format and delivery method to help increase engagement. It’s certainly a work in progress.


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Photo Captions

Masthead of May newsletter