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Activity Report Explorer

Greater Wasatch • Entered by Barbara McConvill on May 7, 2024

Weber County Inland Port Advocacy

January 1, 2024 – April 30, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 6
Post Admin hours 14
Activity Hours 16
Participants 2
Total Hours 52

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Greater Wasatch Broadband, Utah Center for Biological Diversity

Short Description of Activity

The Utah Inland Port Authority is working with Weber County (located north of SLC, and the home of Ogden City), to construct a 10,000-acre inland port. The proposed boundary of the development, located on private land, is between two waterfowl refugees and the meander line of the Great Salt Lake. The lake is in danger of drying up and there has already been a substantial drop in bird migration through this western flyway. Many acres of wetlands are located on the acreage as well. We are working with partner organizations to let the county commission know how devastating the development would be on air, water, wetlands, and much more. The proposal was first announced in January and the vote by the Utah Inland Port Authority to approve the project is scheduled for May 20. We have been writing letters, meeting with partners, and making as much public comment as possible.


We have been meeting every week since January trying to slow this decision down and have meet with some success. The port authority postponed a vote on the proposal from March to May. A 250-person Weber County resident letter was submitted to the county commission, and they have agreed to host a “listening session” on May 16. In addition, a petition signed by 1500 people was submitted to the port authority. We have been reaching out to county municipalities, making sure they are aware of this proposal and shockingly many are not. This port is one of many proposed along the Wasatch Front, but this one is the biggest. The port authority, governed by the legislature and the governor, has little accountability and a large budget funded by tax dollars!


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Draft brief we are using as we speak with elected officials.