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Activity Report Explorer

Palouse • Entered by Deborah Trent on May 9, 2024

Healing Journey canoe trip for Palouse Tribe

May 1, 2024 – May 1, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 2
Post Admin hours 2
Activity Hours 2
Participants 5
Total Hours 14

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)
Key Partners: Palouse chapter

Short Description of Activity

Invited chapter members to come for coffee at a coffee shop. I purchased all of the food necessary for the snack bags on the Healing Journey canoe trip. We were going to place it in the snack bags however, it was just myself and my co-leader Anne.. Three members did show up later and we discussed an upcoming day trip to a Cedar Grove in June, tabling at Farmer’s market in Moscow and the White Water raft trip in July. Meeting was a good social hour.. Anne to be making plans for the tabling at Farmer’s Market, I will be sending out a flyer on the trip to the Cedar Grove.


We did not put together the snack bags, it was good to meet another member that I had not met before and the social time was nice..Event planning will be happening for upcoming trips and tabling.