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Activity Report Explorer

Alaska Soles • Entered by Loren Karro on May 28, 2024

No AMbler Road activities

January 8, 2024 – April 19, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 8
Participants 1
Total Hours 8

Key Issue: Oil, Gas, or Mineral Development
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: No Road to Ambler Committee
Landscape/area: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Advocacy actions (03 emails)
Outcome 2: Advocacy actions (02 informational postings to Facebook accounts)

Short Description of Activity

Posting No Road to Ambler information in public domains etc emailing administration to adopt the No Action Alternative


I posted No Ambler Road pictures and information to various Facebook accounts. After reading an article about it in the LA Times, and reading the SEIS, and seeing the No Action Alternative come out in the SEIS, I emailed the Administration and copied Rep. Peltola, urging them to make an No Action Administrative Decision on this issue.