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Activity Report Explorer

Polly Dyer – Seattle • Entered by Penelope Peterson on June 18, 2024

Broadband Meeting

February 22, 2024 – February 22, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1.5
Post Admin hours 1.25
Activity Hours 1.75
Participants 1
Total Hours 4.5

Key Issue: Landscape Planning (Forest Plans, RMPs, TMPs, etc.)
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)
Key Partners: Polly Dyer Seattle Broads

Short Description of Activity

We had arranged for a presentation at this Zoom meeting by Joanna Nelson de Flores, Urban Forest Program Manager for King County. We also planned to have Barbara Phalen give an update on the attempt to stop the asphalt plant from being built on the Cedar River near Renton. We had also asked Genia to lead a discussion on our progress to save Legacy Forests in the state of Washington.


I became very ill with the flu a couple days before this meeting so I asked Barbara Phalen, our past leader, to run the meeting. Barbara agreed, and I retired to bed so I was not online for this meeting.

Barbara later reported that the meeting went well. Nineteen Broads attended plus our speaker, Joanna Nelson de Flores. Joanna gave an informative presentation. Then Barbara gave her report on the asphalt plant, and she announced some upcoming events. Genia reported on advocacy efforts with regard to protecting Legacy Forests.


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Photo Captions

1. Minutes of the Feb. 22, 2024 Meeting of the Polly Dyer Seattle Broadband