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Activity Report Explorer

Northern San Juan • Entered by Carrie Krickbaum on June 25, 2024


May 7, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 2
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 2.5
Participants 3
Total Hours 10.5

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Wildlife monitored (1 sites/plots)
Outcome 2: Event Attendees (1 people)

Short Description of Activity

Broadband meeting at Ridgway state park to demonstrate use of new spotting scope.


One non-member attended from Black Canyon Audubon Society. 3 broadband members attended. We viewed 2 Golden Eagle juveniles in the nest, stretching their wings. One parent was seen soaring nearby. Data was entered into the raptor monitoring website for Colorado Parks and Wildlife.


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