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Activity Report Explorer

Central Oregon Bitterbrush Broads • Entered by Mary Fleischmann on July 4, 2024

Wyden Rally- The Time is Now/ Owyhee Campaign

June 24, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 2.75
Post Admin hours 0.5
Activity Hours 2
Participants 13
Total Hours 29.25

Key Issue: Wilderness & Monument Designation/Protection
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Juniper Sierra Club

Short Description of Activity

Rallied on Peace Corner in Bend Oregon. Good turn out.


Went well , got good press interaction and given the number of honking horns feel there is a lot of support. We also went to Wyden’s office after the rally and slipped signed post cards under his office door since no one was available to meet with.