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Activity Report Explorer

Central Oregon Bitterbrush Broads • Entered by Rynda Clark on July 5, 2024

Advocates for the West Reception

June 27, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 3
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 3
Participants 10
Total Hours 34

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Fundraising & Membership Development (fundraising events, grants, relational mtgs, recruitment)
Key Partners: Advocates for the West, Bitterbrush Broadband

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Event Attendees (32 people)

Short Description of Activity

Advocates for the West and the Bitterbrush Broadband hosted a reception. Sara Husby gave a short presentation on how our relationship to the Advocates helps us further our mission. Lizzy Potter, attorney with Advocates, presented some key legal cases, some of which the Broads have been a part of.


It was great, fun an informative, lots of networking.


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Photo Captions

Mathieu Federspiel and Rynda Clark at the Advocates for the West reception, Bend Oregon, June 27
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