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Activity Report Explorer

Tucson Broadband • Entered by Su Libby on July 19, 2024


June 1, 2024 – November 1, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 25
Post Admin hours 25
Activity Hours 50
Participants 10
Total Hours 550

Key Issue: Public Lands Health & Protection
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: SSSR.Save Our Scenic Santa Ritas, Tucson AZ. Sierra Club Nopales Chapter, CCL, Citizens Climate Lobby

Short Description of Activity

Hudbay Multinational Mining conglomerate is proposing a 26 miles wide open pit Copper Mine in the Heart of the Santa Rita Mountain Range to the South of Tucson. The mine is mostly on private land but walls of toxic mine tailings will be dumped near to waterways affecting several human communities. AZDEQ is currently considering both air and water potential 40 year mine lease based on the Hydrology report generated by the Consultants HIRED BY THE COMPANY. Pima County recently wrote a 26 page rebuttal to the Hydrology Report. Tucson Broadband Members have attended 3 Public Town Hall type events/have sent Water Quality Comments to AZDEQ and are currently involved in Sending Air Quality Comments to AZDEQ through September 2024.


Goal: To Advocate for Opposition to the Hudbay Copper World Mine
Objective I: Attend all public hearings and meetings sponsored by AZDEQ
Objective II: Provide written public comments to AZDEQ on Water and Air Permits
Objective III: Engage with the lead Organization (SSSR) and associated Environmental groups
Objective IV: Distribute SSSR Consultant Analysis of Potential Damage to the Ecosystem of SSR

The main Goal and supporting Objectives are currently a work in Progress


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Photo Captions

1.Economic Impact Report
2.Location of Proposed copper world Mine
3. Proposed Mine Location