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Activity Report Explorer

Four Corners • Entered by Jennifer Singer on August 26, 2024

Oppose Slick Rock Uranium

May 1, 2024 – August 31, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 10
Post Admin hours 10
Activity Hours 8
Participants 13
Total Hours 124

Key Issue: Oil, Gas, or Mineral Development
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Mason Osgood- Sheep Mountain Alliance, Sally Sharp

Short Description of Activity

Jennifer attended San Miguel County Commissioners meeting on 5-15-2024 dressed in her lime green “White Mesa Says NO to Uranium mining” and read her letter to oppose uranium exploratory drilling at Slick Rock. One County Commissioner stated that, “They can’t say no”. Even though the Planning and Zoning Committee voted 3-2. All 3 Commissioners voted to allow exploratory drilling, even within the proposed Dolores River NCA boundaries. I also presented a hard copy of 400 petition signatures of area residents also opposed to exploratory drilling. We wrote a 4Corners Broadband group letter with 10 signatures to oppose uranium mining, especially within the proposed Dolores River NCA. At least 3 other members wrote their own letters. They were supposed to drill in August- but haven’t started yet. Sally and I met with Mason Osgood of Sheep Mountain Alliance to plan strategy. I later shared my Slick Rock at Disappointment Valley field trip photos with Mason and the students at SWOS as a Virtual Field Trip.


It was demoralizing to hear the sense of entitlement from the Anfield leadership. One leader said on Zoom, “We have to get going before the NCA passes.” Another said, “It’s our God given right to mine uranium” while they wrapped themselves in the flag and talked about National Security. I read in the redacted section of the FOIA (received from Mason) that Anfield wanted to start on any NEPA requirements so they could permit an underground mine operation in the area. But we persisted. On August 13, Adam Frisch came to Dolores Public Library and I shared opposition to Slick Rock uranium mining. He was impressed with our petition numbers, but repeated the Anfield party line about using uranium as a bridge to renewables. I told him that 10,000 years of air, water, and land pollution from radioactive tailings that made our area a cancer cluster from WWII era uranium mining should be enough damage. We should be cleaning up, not starting over. We have discussed Slick Rock at all of our activities and in all monthly email communications. This is an ongoing project.


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Jennifer and Shelby say NO to uranium tailings pollution at Slick Rock/Disappointment Valley.