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Activity Report Explorer

Four Corners • Entered by Jennifer Singer on August 27, 2024

Fish Creek Trail/Pat McClenny Leader

July 8, 2024 – August 7, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 2
Post Admin hours 2
Activity Hours 12
Participants 9
Total Hours 112

Key Issue: Public Lands Health & Protection
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Chris Bouton San Juan National Forest Dolores office
Landscape/area: San Juan National Forest (1864595 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Trail/land monitored (4 miles)

Short Description of Activity

Our Broadband adopted Fish Creek Trail last summer. Pat works with Chris Bouton USFS to arrange our stewardship activities to keep Fish Creek Trail open to hikers and bikers. The trail is in a wooded area and plants, trees, and flowers grow right on the trail. There is a creek running next to the trail and we’ve seen beaver dams and ponds. We haven’t seen a beaver yet. So we do trail maintenance to clear the trail every other month or so in the summer and fall. We did 7-8-2024 with 6 Broads and 8-7 2024 with 3 Broads. After we clear a section of trail, we have lunch by the creek.


Fish Creek Trail is a beautiful place. I’m so glad Pat takes care of all of the prep and reports our efforts to Chris USFS. We’re building shared leadership and adding new members with stewardship activities and First Friday Meet-Ups when we plan these activities. Relationship building helps us when we have to oppose logging to protect our Dolores River watershed. We have 4 of 6 miles of the trail cleared and plan to do the top section in September.


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Photo Captions

4Corner Broads clear Fish Creek Trail.