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Activity Report Explorer

WHALES of Teton Valley • Entered by Liz McCane on August 30, 2024

Advocacy letters

August 1, 2024 – August 31, 2024

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 6
Participants 1
Total Hours 6

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)

Short Description of Activity

A member signed several petitions re the following: banning chlorpyrifos, reducing pollution from cruise ships in the Arctic, asking Sysco to reduce plastic packaging, and several re pesticides.
This member also wrote to:
– the USF&WS re stopping the slaughter of grey wolves
– the Dept of the Interior re fossil fuel destruction on CO public lands, and the sale of oil and gas leases there; drilling in Carlsbad Caverns; and oil and gas drilling in the Western Arctic
– Sens. Crapo and Risch re keeping endangered species protections for wolves
_ the BLM re protecting Desolation Canyon on the Green River ( from commercial services)
– to Deb Haaland, Dept of Interior, re creating a wildlife crossing for bison near Yellowstone NP


The goal is for the addressee to hear views and concerns from the constituent. Hopefully this member’s efforts are making a difference as decisions/policy are being made.