Northern San Juan • Entered by Robyn Cascade on December 27, 2024
Exceptional Women Award
October 5, 2024
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | 5 |
Post Admin hours | 2.5 |
Activity Hours | 3 |
Participants | 1 |
Total Hours | 10.5 |
Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Fundraising & Membership Development (fundraising events, grants, relational mtgs, recruitment)
Key Partners: Tierra Fortuna Club
Measurable Outcomes
Outcome 1: Event Attendees (5 people)
Outcome 2: publicity (10 people)
Outcome 3: media (4 media highlights)[/if 1231]
Short Description of Activity
Carrie nominated Robyn for the Ouray County Exceptional Women Award and Robyn was selected (among 4 other awardees) and used the opportunity to highlight the work of our organization and Broadband. Post on Facebook, insert in local paper, article in local paper and posters around town announced the event and mentioned Robyn and Great Old Broads.
Lots of complexities arose as Carrie and I learned more about the reception/event to honor us. Tierra Fortuna (TF) was using the event/reception as a fundraiser for their own organization without giving time or much attention to the organizations from whom the awardees were selected. In addition, the call for nominations did not mention that the expectation was for our organization to promote the event via our organization mailing lists, family and friends networks AND to expect attendees would pay $50 (all proceeds to go to TF.) So Robyn wrote an email to the organizer prior to the accepting the award (see upload) AND to the chair of the TF Board after the event when asked for feedback.
The event itself was fun, and though Robyn felt honored, it was a bit uncomfortable. Robyn was disappointed awardees were not given time to speak to attendees about their organizations although Robyn managed to lay out some Broadsides, bookmarks and membership brochures and had at least 10 personal conversations about Broads (included in outcomes.)
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Photo Captions
Robyn’s email to the coordinator of the award process and event/reception