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Activity Reports:

Found 6862 activity reports. Click on table headers to order reports by columns.

Date Entered Activity Date(s) Broadband Entered By Activity Name Hours
June 29, 2021 June 22, 2021 WHALES of Teton Valley Liz McCane Broads at the Border: The Impact of Border Wall Construction 1.5
June 29, 2021 May 25, 2021-June 25, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie Red Road to DC – Totem Pole Travelers 10
June 29, 2021 June 1, 2021-June 30, 2021 WHALES of Teton Valley Liz McCane Summer Sports Activities 480
June 29, 2021 June 1, 2021-June 30, 2021 WHALES of Teton Valley Liz McCane WHALES weekly email & activity reports 6
June 29, 2021 June 14, 2021-June 16, 2021 WHALES of Teton Valley Liz McCane Solitude monitoring training 68
June 29, 2021 May 25, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie Consumer Reports – Dark Patterns webinar 2
June 29, 2021 May 20, 2021-June 17, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie SJCA May and June Scoop meetings – Forest Restoration and Wolves and Bighorn Sheep 3
June 29, 2021 May 13, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie 30 by 30 and Private Lands in the West 2
June 29, 2021 May 13, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie Border Wall webinars 5
June 29, 2021 June 9, 2021-June 30, 2021 Rogue Valley Susie Schmidt WATER QUALITY TESTING 13.5
June 29, 2021 April 28, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie 3 Forest Land Mgmt Plan preliminary informational meeting 4
June 29, 2021 April 14, 2021-May 14, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie Advocacy for America’s Redrock Wilderness bill – Senator Martin Heinrich’s staffer 6
June 29, 2021 May 24, 2021-May 24, 2021 Grand Junction Sherry Schenk Monthly meeting 17
June 29, 2021 April 1, 2021-April 30, 2021 Grand Junction Sherry Schenk Multiple trainings and calls 14
June 29, 2021 April 2, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie Drought in the Western United States 3
June 29, 2021 April 1, 2021-April 30, 2021 Grand Junction Sherry Schenk Admin. 8.5
June 29, 2021 June 2, 2021-June 20, 2021 Northern San Juan Judith Lopez River Watch- Uncompahgre sampling 17.5
June 29, 2021 April 8, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie NM Southern Wetlands Roundtable 7
June 29, 2021 June 24, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie Dispatches from New Mexico: Nurturing the Next Generation of Land and Water Stewards 1
June 29, 2021 June 22, 2021-June 29, 2021 Northern San Juan Judith Lopez BLM Adobe WSA clean up 2.25
June 29, 2021 June 24, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie Connecting Main Street to Mountaintops: Urban land protection as part of a comprehensive landscape conservation strategy 1.5
June 29, 2021 June 24, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie CFLRP All Hands Mtg 2.5
June 29, 2021 April 1, 2021 Rio Grande Valley Broadband Susan Ostlie CARE and GLOW calls 6.5
June 29, 2021 June 29, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller Social Media Post 10.5
June 29, 2021 June 22, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller Border Wall presentation 1.5
June 29, 2021 June 14, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller Email communication 2
June 29, 2021 June 5, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller Broads Walk 5.75
June 29, 2021 May 25, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller Broads Walk 6.75
June 29, 2021 May 19, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller Broads Meeting 5.75
June 29, 2021 April 17, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller Email communication 4
June 29, 2021 May 5, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller Phone call 2.75
June 29, 2021 April 23, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller Broads Walk 10.75
June 29, 2021 April 15, 2021-April 17, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller WALTS training 10
June 29, 2021 April 14, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller Email communication 1.25
June 29, 2021 April 14, 2021 Cherry Creek Diane Mueller Phone call 2.25
June 29, 2021 June 28, 2021-June 29, 2021 Cascade Volcanoes Linda Buckley worked on membership duties 2.25
June 29, 2021 June 28, 2021-June 28, 2021 Grand Junction Sherry Schenk Broadband meeting 21.5
June 29, 2021 June 28, 2021 SW Utah SUWA Grassroots SUWA Grassroots 1
June 28, 2021 May 1, 2021-June 30, 2021 Middle Gila Roz Switzer Lobo Activity 40
June 28, 2021 June 22, 2021 Middle Gila Roz Switzer Borderlands presentation 25
June 28, 2021 June 22, 2021-June 23, 2021 Middle Gila Roz Switzer Lobo Meeting 20
June 28, 2021 May 6, 2021 Middle Gila Roz Switzer Broadband Meeting 11
June 28, 2021 May 8, 2021 Middle Gila Roz Switzer Borderlands Trip (3) 15
June 28, 2021 June 22, 2021 Phoenix Emily Matyas Broads at the Border Webinar 20.5
June 28, 2021 April 27, 2021-April 28, 2021 Middle Gila Roz Switzer Borderlands Trip (2) 71
June 28, 2021 June 24, 2021 Southern California Margaret Meyncke General Meeting 6
June 28, 2021 June 17, 2021 Southern California Margaret Meyncke Zoom Calls 3
June 28, 2021 June 7, 2021 Southern California Margaret Meyncke Zoom Calls 2
June 28, 2021 May 25, 2021 Southern California Margaret Meyncke Zoom Calls 3
June 28, 2021 May 20, 2021 Southern California Margaret Meyncke Zoom Calls 2